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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Catching Up #3: Fox News Segment

     A friend who works with Fox News, let us in on an opportunity to be part of a Halloween event on tv.  The event was for "Eek at the Greek" in Los Angeles. They had kids in costumes promoting the event.  I figured it would be so fun for my girls to be on the news. It also turned out to be a perfect learning opportunity! 
     My 3 year old was able to see how the camera guy worked and how the news reporter listened to her earpiece waiting for her turn to speak. My daughter was fascinated. She at least learned a basic idea of how people get on television.  

Learning opportunities are EVERYWHERE. 

She was very excited to see herself on the news later that day.  Here she is before the news segment in her Punky Brewster costume. (Yes, she is a huge Punky Brewster fan, due to her very 80s mom). And my little one in her skeleton pajamas.
     The Punky costume was such a hit, that she became the spotlight of the segment.  She was a little shy once the lights were all pointed at her, but she was very calm. I was so glad she was able to experience the whole thing.  Both of my girls had a blast being treated like a diva with breakfast pastries and cupcakes.  The drive home was very quiet since they both crashed from all the sugar. It was a good morning.  

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