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Friday, November 15, 2013

Sending Candy To Our Troops

     A friend from church told us about a dental office in my area that was doing a "buy back" for leftover Halloween candy. They pay $1 per pound and then send the candy to our troops over seas.  I loved this idea! Knowing my girl would not find it easy to just give away her candy, I thought she might feel better about getting money in return.

     Learning opportunity! We discussed soldiers and how they protect our country. Since it is November, we were able to add American soldiers to our Thankful Tree.  I asked her if she would like to draw a picture for the soldiers to send with our candy. She quickly sat at the table waiting for her markers and crayons with a big smile.  

     The office greeted us with big smiles and were very excited to see that my daughter drew a picture for the troops. (Her picture is of a soldier next to a rainbow.) She created the rainbow using Do A Dot markers. We love these! The office receptionist thought it was so cute, she asked to take a picture of my daughter holding her picture and the candy.  We received $5 for our 5 pounds of candy and went straight to the store, where my daughter picked out a Decorate Your Own Piggy Bank. She has been wanting a piggy bank for a while, so decorating one was extra special for her. 

     The whole morning was fun and memorable. And I am glad to know that she is aware of our US troops and that mommy and daddy are grateful for all they do.

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