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Monday, August 4, 2014

American Girls Collection: Meet Molly Curriculum

     We finished Meet Molly this week! My absolute favorite moment was after finishing the first chapter.  There is a special loving/bonding moment between Molly and her mother, and Marley looked up at me and smiled and asked me if we could do exactly what they did in the book. Precious!

     We did the following activities after each chapter was completed.    
     CHAPTER 1 - COOKING: Turnips 'N Apples recipe
     Marley is always excited to help me cook or bake.  She enjoys wearing her special child sized apron.  I once told her that bakers always have a little flour on their nose and cheeks.  So every time we cook or bake, she reminds me to dab a little flour on her nose and she giggles.  She cherishes that part. Heehee.
Side note: Marley did not care for the turnip recipe.  She tried a bite and said, "Not bad" and then left the table.  I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty good.  I've never had a turnip before, but they are kind of like a cross between an onion and a potato.  Not bad...haha!

     CHAPTER 2 - CREATIVE THINKING: Brainstorm costume ideas. First make a list of 3 or 4 costumes your child chooses.  One by one, design the costumes together.  Have your child draw/color a picture of the costume.  Or ask them to describe how the costume should look.  Help younger children by drawing or coloring the picture for them.  Then ask them how you could make the costume using only items found in the home.  Pick 1 costume and actually make it together. Allow your child to be the manager of the project. This will help facilitate creativity and enhance leadership skills. One of the key concepts of Meet Molly is being resourceful.  While engaging your child in this activity, point out that being resourceful is a very valuable skill.

     CHAPTER 3 - CRAFT: Make a Paper Bag Hula Skirt.
     She was not impressed with the idea of making a hula skirt at first.  I'm not sure why, but once I got the supplies out and the paintbrush in her hand, she was content.  After trying it on once, Marley slipped it off and walked away.  Little Dylan found the skirt and was so happy to put it on, that she wore it the rest of the day.  Different strokes I guess.

     CHAPTER 4 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Learn how to shoot baskets.

     EXTRAS for older children or for supplemental learning...

     HISTORY: World War II era (1944) There is an awesome site called "Primary History" by the BBC, which is a kid friendly site that explains some historical eras. Here is the link to the section on World War II.

     GEOGRAPHY: Illinois state map & map of the US (You may add these to your American Girl timeline, if you have one; see link below for instructions on how to make one.)
     Molly's address is listed as 467 Oak St, Jefferson, IL.
     I suggest instructing your child to color the Illinois state map and indicate where Molly lives.  Then have them color in IL on the US map and indicate where on the map (if you live in the US) you live and where Molly lives.
     MATH: Draw a line between the two locations on your US map. Older children may be able to figure out exactly how far they are from Molly's home and how long it would take to get there by car or by plane.

     MOLLY LEARNING GUIDE - This is a wonderful link to downloadable guides and worksheets for older children (maybe ages 7-11, but that is just an approximation).

     ALL ABOUT MOLLY - This is a link to Molly's biography and personality description.

     American Girl Lapbook Templates

     How To Make An American Girl Timeline

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