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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ebook Review & TWO GIVEAWAYS: 60 Homeschooling Tips From 60 Years (Two thumbs up!)

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     In all honesty, I was not expecting to be so intrigued, reaffirmed, and inspired by this book.  It has all the basic elements of what you look for while trying to homeschool, with an overlying tone of faith and spirituality.  Homeschooling is a difficult task, but with the right faith and hope, it can be a glorious and rewarding adventure for your family.  This book discusses the heart of those efforts and rewards.

     Kathie Morrissey & Donna Reish, have a combined experience of 60 years of homeschooling.  These ladies know their stuff!  It is obvious they have been through most of the scenarios and trials of homeschooling.  Through their powerful love and faith in Jesus Christ, they have managed to work through those trials with grace and peace in their hearts.

     The book has an excellent format that is refreshingly easy to read.  Each tip only takes up a page of explanation and is straightforward and to the point.  This makes it easy for readers with short attention spans (like myself!) to get the main focus of each tip.  Because it is formatted in such a simple and user friendly manner, this book is one that I will go back and re-read or reference in the future.  I even noted several tips throughout the book and told my husband to read those certain numbered tips.  In the past, when I've asked my husband to read a book, he rarely gets around to it.  In this case, it was easy for him to skip right to certain tips in the book and read them and discuss them with me. Even my husband was impressed with the book. It led to several thought provoking discussions as homeschoolers, parents, and spouses.  We both received valuable insight from these tips.  It was great!

     - I received notable ideas such as, "compensation techniques...for non-readers and non-writers...providing audio materials galore, reading aloud four to five hours a day to them, and taking dictation of their spoken words."  I love that this facilitates educating through creativity and adapting to self paced learning.
     - There were some tips that helped define what I have already been doing, which allowed me to expand on the concept and gave clarity to the idea. For example, using the "bus stop approach for multi-level teaching."
     - Quite a few tips offered in this book are essential reminders to creating a happy family and homeschool environment.  "Don't compare your homeschool or family to another's."

     These ideas and tips would definitely benefit any homeschooler, but some of this book leans on a religious background or a strong faith in scripture.  I do have a solid religious background, so the occasional quotes from scriptures had a very positive effect on my heart and mind.  Personally, I feel it is through a spiritual connection that homeschooling is a beautiful success.  

     I highly recommend this book to any homeschooler! As you will see and understand by reading this book, homeschooling is not only about educational advancement or academics.  Homeschooling can be a path to stronger family relationships of love and respect.  Kathy and Donna show us in their book that they were not only encouraging their children to become great scholars; they were also providing a way for their entire family to grow together to be happy, successful, Christ-like human beings.

**NOW I am authorized to GIVEAWAY two digital copies of this fabulous book.  Here are the giveaway details:
 - GIVEAWAY entries will be accepted Sept 19th through Sept 27th.
 - The two winners will be contacted via email on Sept. 28th.
 - Choose 1 of 6 options to enter the giveaway.  1 entry will give you a chance to win, and if you choose to do more than one option, your chances to win will be higher!
 - Click on the link below to be entered in this giveaway, and good luck! I am excited to share this book with you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

AND NOW to celebrate the launch of this ebook Character Corner is offering a Grand Prize Giveaway of a $300 value! Check it out by clicking the link below.

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